China's Q1 2024 E-commerce Insights

Explore the latest insights from China's bustling e-commerce scene in the first quarter of 2024. From cross-border trade growth to international collaboration, discover what's shaping the world's largest e-commerce market.

1) China's Q1 2024 Cross-Border E-commerce Trade

Cross-border e-commerce trade in China surged by 9.6% year-on-year, totaling $81.3 billion, according to official data.

2) Global Cooperation in E-commerce Accelerates

The pace of international collaboration in e-commerce has quickened, reflecting a trend of increased global engagement in this sector.

3) Silk Road Partner Trade Growth

E-commerce imports and exports with Silk Road partner countries experienced significant expansion, contributing to the overall growth in cross-border trade.

4) International E-commerce Collaboration

Chinese e-commerce platforms engaged in international roadshows for the first time, connecting with over 60 small and medium enterprises in Italy, as reported by state-controlled media.

5) Domestic Online Retail Sales Increase

Domestic online retail sales in China soared to 3.3 trillion yuan (~$455.6 billion) in Q1, marking a 12.4% year-on-year rise, showcasing robust growth in the domestic e-commerce market.

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