Country Profile Overview and SWOT Analysis

This module profiles 50+ countries such as China, India, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Turkey, Brazil, and others on various parameters such as economic growth, gross domestic product, GDP per capita, GDP per capita purchasing power parity, household consumption, household consumption as percent of GDP, external debt percent of gross national income, business credit, business credit, interest rate percent, capital investment, capital investment as percent of GDP, consumer price index (CPI), corporate tax rate, industrial production annual percent change, inflation monthly percent change in the CPI, investment as percent of GDP, investment, purchasing managers index (PMI) manufacturing, retail sales index, cotton area harvested, cotton consumption, cotton ending stocks, cotton exports, cotton imports, cotton loss, cotton production, exports of clothing as percent of GDP, exports of textile & clothing as percent of GDP, exports of textile as percent of GDP, imports of clothing as percent of GDP, imports of textile & clothing as percent of GDP, imports of textile as percent of GDP, trade balance (clothing), trade balance (textile & clothing), trade balance (textile), trade openness clothing, trade openness textile & clothing, trade openness textile, population size, percent urban population, labor force participation rate, labor force, wages and labour rates, currency evaluation, industrial electricity rates, and water cost. This profiling helps in gauging different performance dynamics, which is updated quarterly.

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  • Please register with your business email only.
  • Trial access period will be allowed for 3 days for both modules combined - Textile & Apparel as well as Technical Textiles
  • You shall be notified on your registered email once the trial is activated
  • Please register with your business email only.
  • Trial access period will be allowed for 3 days for both modules combined - Textile & Apparel as well as Technical Textiles
  • You shall be notified on your registered email once the trial is activated

Factor Comparison

By default, the system compares 5 countries simultaneously on one parameter at a time. It provides comparative analysis between top manufacturing countries, facilitating decisions for sourcing planning and marketing strategies. Each parameter helps you to plan your manufacturing, sourcing, procurements, or exports.

Factor Forecast

Factor Forecast section gives estimation for country parameters such as currency evaluation, Industrial electricity rates, minimum wages, water cost and consumer price index (CPI) to help user plan sourcing, procurements, and negotiations accordingly.

Sample Historical Macroeconomics Trends of Key Countries

Business Cases

Business Cases

  • Business Cases list icon Understanding the trends in cost economic parameters in different countries
  • Business Cases list icon Costing analysis
  • Business Cases list icon Evaluating different sourcing countries
  • Business Cases list icon Identifying right manufacturing countries
  • Business Cases list icon Better negotiation with vendors and suppliers
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  • Please register with your business email only.
  • Trial access period will be allowed for 3 days for both modules combined - Textile & Apparel as well as Technical Textiles
  • You shall be notified on your registered email once the trial is activated
  • Please register with your business email only.
  • Trial access period will be allowed for 3 days for both modules combined - Textile & Apparel as well as Technical Textiles
  • You shall be notified on your registered email once the trial is activated

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How frequently is the Country Profile module updated?

    This module is updated on a monthly basis subject to reporting of data by different countries’ respective authorities.

  • How are exchange rates applied?

    Based on the date or time period selected, the average exchange rates are applied.

  • Which type of wage rates are reported in this module?

    The wage rates reported are gross minimum monthly average wage rates.