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Global Apparel
Sourcing Market Trends and Patterns

Uncover the latest trends and insights driving
the dynamic apparel sourcing market!

Discover the Future of
Apparel Trade!

Uncover the latest trends and insights driving the dynamic apparel sourcing market! This in-depth report by Fibre2Fashion.com provides a comprehensive analysis of the global textile and apparel trade, highlighting key growth areas, emerging sourcing destinations, and recent events shaping the industry.

Global Trade The Global Textile and Apparel trade has surged to $905.10 billion in 2022, showing an impressive 18% increase since 2017.
Largest Traded Category Apparel remains the largest traded category, accounting for 57% of the total trade and valued at $523.66 billion.
Cost Advantage Procure goods from Asia at lower unit prices, leading to up to 50% of the original cost reductions.
Key Markets The United States and the European Union are the world's largest apparel consumers, with significant import values of $100.33 billion and $204.65 billion, respectively.
Rising Stars Asian economies, including China, Bangladesh, India, and Vietnam, are experiencing rapid growth, accounting for over 50% of the total apparel export market.
Projected Growth Global textile and apparel exports are set to reach $1,100 billion by 2027, with apparel remaining the largest traded category, worth $627 billion.

Why You Should Read This Report

Understand the impact of recent events such as COVID-19, Russia-Ukraine war, inflation, and energy crisis on the apparel industry.
Learn about trade patterns in the apparel market and growth in intra-Asia trade.
Discover the emerging economies for apparel production.
Identify winning and losing sourcing destinations.
Uncover the advantages of sourcing apparel from Asia

Table of Content

  1. Summary
  2. Introduction
  3. Trade Patterns in the Apparel Market
  4. Growth in Intra-Asia Trade:
  5. Global apparel exports- By Category
  6. Sources of imports to the US and the European Union
    6.1 Sources of imports of apparel to the US 6.2 Sources of imports of apparel to the EU
  7. Winners and Losers among sourcing destinations
  8. China's declining share
  9. Global Apparel exports: By Fibre
  10. Recent events that affected the apparel industry:
    • COVID-19
    • Russia-Ukraine war
    • Inflation
    • Energy crisis
  11. Asia's advantage in textile and apparel sourcing
  12. GDP growth rate
  13. Global Ranks
  14. Electricity cost
  15. Labour productivity
  16. Labour cost
  17. Logistics performance
  18. Looking ahead

Your Guide to the Global Apparel Sourcing Market Trends and Patterns

Delves into the dynamic trends and patterns, reflecting shifts in consumer behaviour, supply chain dynamics, and industry innovations. Crucial for stakeholders to navigate the sourcing landscape besides insights into the evolving trends and patterns shaping the global apparel sourcing market, offering a snapshot of the current dynamics influencing the industry.