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Strategic Report onGlobal Home Textile
Sourcing Market

Uncover the latest trends and insights driving
the Global Home Textile Sourcing Market!

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Global Home Textile Market

The global textiles and clothing market is estimated at around $1.4 trillion, and employs over 300 million people, especially in developing countries like Bangladesh, Brazil, China, India, Pakistan, and Turkey. The textiles production, domestic consumption and exports has a significant bearing on the GDP of countries across the globe.

Segments covered By country, By region, By product category and By HS Codes.
Country scope India, China, Pakistan, Vietnam, Germany, Poland, Netherlands, Türkiye, United States, Mexico
Major products covered Major products are top-10 HS 6-digit home textiles products with fibre preference and in-depth analysis.
Customization scope Free report customization (equivalent up to 10 analyst working hour) with purchase. Additional bespoke customized study can also be requested on chargeable basis
Statistical coverage Value in USD billion, Market Share, CAGR (from 2016 to 2022), and RCA for top 10 countries
Sourcing options The report suggests best sourcing destinations for the selected products.

Table of Content

  1. Summary
  2. Introduction
    1.1 Overview of Global Textile Market 1.2 Overview of Global clothing including Home Textiles 1.3 Home Textiles (including top 10 HS within Home Textiles)
  3. Product Sourcing Trends (Including Tables and Figures)
    2.1 Bed linen of Cotton excluding printed, knitted, crocheted. 2.2 Bed linen of man-made fibres 2.3 Curtains excluding drapes and blinds 2.4 Toilet linen ad kitchen linen 2.5 Flexible intermediate bulk containers 2.6 Cleaning cloth like dish cloths and dusters 2.7 Tents of synthetic fibre 2.8 Made up articles of textile materials 2.9 Worn clothing and clothing accessories 2.10 Blanket and travelling rugs of synthetic fibres
  4. Unit Value Realisation (with table and figure)
  5. Ease of Doing Business
  6. Trade Openness of the Top 10 countries
  7. Recommendation for sourcing options
  8. Notes and Annexure

Your Guide to the Home Textiles Market

Navigate to the evolving trends and capitalize on emerging opportunities in the competitive global home textiles market, industry stakeholders must delve into dynamic shifts in consumer preferences and strategically adapt their supply chain strategies.