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Global Polyester
Market Dynamics

Unravelling Worldwide Suppliers, Export
Market and Trade Dynamics

Data-Driven Analysis to Identify the existing and Upcoming
Trends in Polyester Fiber Market

Global fibre production has been pivotal in shaping industries ranging from textiles to technology and impacting economies and livelihoods. Fibres serve as the mosaic of numerous products, from clothing and fabrics to industrial materials and consumer goods.

Data-Driven Analysis to Identify the existing and Upcoming Trends in Polyester Fiber Market Volumes in Mn Tons, Values in USD Bn, CAGR 2022-2025, Forecast for 2025- 2030, Trade Intensity Index and Commodity Selection Index.
Segments Covered Fibre Segment – Major Focus on Polyester Fibre
Sourcing and Procurement Options The report suggests strategic sourcing market destinations for the Polyester.
Analysis Process The report utilizes specific trade databases, classification systems, and analytical tools to conduct a thorough analysis of export-import data. The findings are then used to inform decision-making processes, especially related to sourcing destinations and specific industries based on fibre types.
Data Sources and Analytical Tools used in the report are from F2FTexPro, ITC Trade map, and WITS Comtrade. A harmonised system of classification has been used for segregation and analysis. Exportimport data has been used and analysed through appropriate statistical and economic tools to arrive at a decision process. on sourcing destinations, Various Industries and Fibre based country associations. In-depth Primary and Secondary Analysis by field experts.
Pricing and Purchase Options Avail customized purchase options to meet your exact research needs.
Customisation Scope Free report customization (equivalent to 21 analysts’ working days) with purchase. Addition or alteration to country, regional & segment scope is possible
Report Coverage Conventional and Recycled Fibre Production Data at Global Level
Production Data - based on Top-Down Approach
Datasets – based on Three Tier Classification of Fibres
Trade Data – based on Texpro F2F analysis and other secondary sources. Manufacturing Cost Comparison between Suppliers and Importers
Markets and suppliers USA, Vietnam, Turkey, Germany, Italy, ROW (Rest of the World).
china, South Korea, Thailand, India, Taiwan, ROW (Rest of the World).
Product Macros Trade Analysis and Cost Comparison based on various utilities and services.
Data Sources F2F-TexPro data source related to the textile industry, providing detailed information about textiles and related products. ITC Trade Map is a comprehensive trade statistics database provided by the International Trade Centre. It offers trade data and market access information for export and import transactions globally. WITS Comtrade: WITS (World Integrated Trade Solution) Comtrade is another international trade database that provides detailed and up-to-date import and export statistics.
Analytical Tools Various statistical methods such as regression analysis, time series analysis, data visualization and economic models are used to analyse the export-import data and draw meaningful conclusions.

Table of Content

1.0: The Context
1.1: Global Fibre Production Scenario 1.2: Recycled fibre
2.0: Type of Fibre Production
2.1: Global Synthetic Fibre Production 2.2: Global Polyester Fibre Production
3.0: World Fibre Exports
3.1: Global Synthetic Fibre Exports 3.2: Global Synthetic Fibre Export Growth
4.0: Global Polyester Fibre Exports
5.0: The Global Polyester Suppliers
5.1 A brief Profile of the Supplying Countries 5.2: Suppliers ranking in terms of exports.
6.0: The supplying country performances
6.1 China Polyester Market
6.1A: China's Polyester Fibre Export 6.1B: China's Major Trade Partners 6.1C: Market Rankings for China in a Suppliers' Market
6.2 South Korea Polyester Fibre Market
6.2 A: South Korea Polyester Fibre Export 6.2 B: South Korea's Major Trade Partners 6.2 C: Market Rankings for South Korea in a Suppliers' Market
6.3 Thailand Polyester Fibre Market
6.3 A: Thailand's Polyester Fibre Export 6.2 B: Thailand's Major Trade Partners 6.2 C: Market Rankings for South Korea in a Suppliers' Market
6.4 India Polyester Fibre Market
6.4 A: India's Polyester Fibre Export 6.4 B: India's Polyester Fibre trading Partners 6.4 C: India's Polyester Fibre Export Rankings
6.5 Taiwan Polyester Fibre Market
6.5 A: Taiwan's Polyester Fibre Export 6.5 B: Taiwan's Polyester Fibre trading Partners 6.5 C : Major Markets for Taiwan as a Supplier Rankings
7.0: World Polyester Markets
7.1: Top Markets for Polyester 7.2: Major Market Rankings
8.0: Major Market Performance Review
8.1: United States Polyester Market
8.1 A: United States Polyester Market 8.1 B: United States Supplier Market Ranking 8.1 C: United States Polyester Market Trade Scenario
8.2: Vietnam Polyester Market
8.2 A: Vietnam Polyester Market Imports Scenario 8.2 B: Vietnam Polyester Market Trade Scenario 8.2 C: Vietnam Supplier Market Ranking
8.3: Turkey Polyester Market
8.3 A: Turkey Polyester Market Imports Scenario 8.3 B: Turkey Polyester Market Trade Scenario 8.3 C: Turkey Supplier Market Ranking
8.4 Germany Polyester Market
8.4 A: Germany Polyester Market Imports Scenario 8.4 B: Germany Polyester Market Trade Scenario 8.4 C: Germany Supplier Market Ranking
8.5: Italy Polyester Market
8.5 A: Italy Polyester Market Imports Scenario 8.5 B: Italy Polyester Market Trade Scenario 8.5 C: Italy Supplier Market Ranking
9.0: Whether the export concentrated?
9.1: Export Market Concertation 9.2: Trade Intensity
10.0: Manufacturing Cost Comparison between Suppliers and Importers
11.0: Opportunities to Polyester
11.1: Key Challenges

Your Guide to the Polyester Report

In-depth insight into the intricacies of the new king of fibres for market dynamics, projections, and country portfolios. Unravel the growth drivers propelling this fibre to prominence, explore the dynamic shifts in market forces, and project its trajectory in diverse global landscapes.