Some of the biggest names in apparel are increasingly touting the benefits of integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into their supply chains. H&M has reported a significant boost in efficiency, achieving marked improvements in forecast accuracy and inventory management after integrating AI-driven predictive analytics. Similarly, Zara has implemented AI to analyse sales data and predict fashion trends, while Nike has credited AI for notable reductions in excess inventory and an improved on-time delivery rate.

For years, AI has been anticipated to be a game-changer in retail. Now it is fully arriving in retail supply chains, creating transformative impacts quickly after implementation. This technology, along with its rapidly increasing use cases for supply chain operations, is bringing speed and efficiency to a new level. It is also becoming a critical component of the drive towards sustainability, as tightening global regulations have made it increasingly difficult to maintain compliance and efficiency without sophisticated digital systems. For example, it helps optimising routes and inventories, reducing unnecessary fuel consumption and waste.

As AI evolves, it is poised to take on even more complex roles. Future applications are on track to extend into autonomous decision-making where AI systems will not only predict but also make real-time adjustments to supply chains with limited human intervention. Advanced AI is likely to manage most end-to-end supply chain processes, from raw material acquisition to customer delivery. This deeper integration promises to transform traditional supply chain models into dynamic, predictive networks that can more adeptly respond to global challenges and market fluctuations.

Global apparel and footwear brands and retailers are understandably eager to leverage AI in their supply chain operations, but in truth many have not yet created the digital infrastructure to do so. One major obstacle preventing businesses from realising AI’s potential is the lack of organised, centralised, real-time proprietary data. To overcome this, companies need to start creating a central repository of supply chain data at the PO, SKU, and factory levels.

The foundation for optimising the benefits of AI for any organisation lies in the ability to interconnect thousands of proprietary data points from multiple data sets across your enterprise. That requires aggregating all data from early-stage planning through the creation of product specifications, onto sourcing, costing, and logistics, and including detailed information on all suppliers along the supply chain up to the Nth tier. It is only once businesses have established effective data management that they can begin unlocking AI’s full potential.

Digitalising with a multi-enterprise platform ensures that data is current, accurate, and accessible, setting the foundation for leveraging AI. These platforms provide real-time supply chain visibility, allowing businesses to monitor their supply chains continuously, identify potential issues before they escalate, and make informed decisions based on accurate, up-to-date information. Establishing this robust digital infrastructure is the key to equipping AI with the data it needs for predictive analytics and automated decision-making.

Already these multi-enterprise platforms are deploying AI in innovative ways, and their capabilities are continually expanding. AI-powered chain of custody tools can significantly enhance traceability by automating documentary verification and documenting the chain of custody of all materials. These tools proactively assess compliance risks and ensure that every link in the supply chain meets a company’s standards of sustainability and prepare all chain of custody documents necessary to comply with the complex web of global ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) regulations. By automatically scanning and vetting all documents against multiple databases of blacklisted entities and identifying gaps or missing documentation before shipping, this AI dramatically simplifies compliance with global ESG laws like the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act.

AI is also reimagining quality management in apparel and footwear. One exciting new application optimises quality inspections by analysing thousands of data points around risk factors such as product type, materials used, and country of origin to determine the likelihood of a product line failing quality inspections. This capability allows businesses to proactively identify and address high-risk PO product lines so they can prioritise quality inspections around high-risk items, reducing inspection costs while increasing product quality.

As apparel brands, like their counterparts in many other industries, stand on the brink of a digital revolution powered by AI, the opportunities for transformation are immense. Brands and retailers that can effectively integrate AI into their supply chains will not only achieve greater operational efficiencies but also gain competitive advantages in agility, customer satisfaction, and sustainability. To fully capitalise on AI’s growing potential, apparel businesses must prioritise the digitalisation of their supply chain now or risk missing out on critical advancements.