India's Trade Watch on Bangladesh-Japan Talks

Discover the key considerations and strategic recommendations as India assesses the impact of potential zero-duty offers to Japan on its export sectors.

1) Caution Advised on Bangladesh-Japan EPA Talks

An Indian think tank urges New Delhi to closely monitor the progress of Bangladesh-Japan EPA negotiations to safeguard India's exports amid concerns about zero-duty offers to Japan.

2) Potential Impact on India's Export Sectors

The report highlights potential impacts on Indian export sectors like automobiles, metals, electricals, and textiles due to the Bangladesh-Japan FTA, prompting the need for strategic assessment.

3) Strengthening Trade Ties with Bangladesh

India is advised to strengthen trade ties with Bangladesh, diversify export markets, enhance competitiveness, and explore partnership opportunities to navigate changing trade dynamics effectively.

4) Addressing Concerns for Future FTAs

While India has existing PTAs with Bangladesh and SAFTA, addressing concerns posed by future FTAs that Bangladesh may engage in is crucial for maintaining India's export performance in the region.

5) Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement

The report suggests a comprehensive economic cooperation agreement between India and Bangladesh to address market share concerns, particularly in Bangladesh's fast-growing textile apparel and footwear sector.

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Explore the implications and strategic recommendations as India evaluates the potential impact of the Bangladesh-Japan EPA on its trade interests.

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